Article 71 – Commitments

  1. If, during proceedings under this Section, the provider of the very large online platform or of the very large online search engine concerned offers commitments to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of this Regulation, the Commission may by decision make those commitments binding on the provider of the very large online platform or of the very large online search engine concerned and declare that there are no further grounds for action.
  2. The Commission may, upon request or on its own initiative, reopen the proceedings:
    1. where there has been a material change in any of the facts on which the decision was based;
    2. where the provider of the very large online platform or of the very large online search engine concerned acts contrary to its commitments; or
    3. where the decision was based on incomplete, incorrect or misleading information provided by the provider of the very large online platform or of the very large online search engine concerned or other person referred to in Article 67(1).
  3. Where the Commission considers that the commitments offered by the provider of the very large online platform or of the very large online search engine concerned are unable to ensure effective compliance with the relevant provisions of this Regulation, it shall reject those commitments in a reasoned decision when concluding the proceedings.